Model Description
My mass model was made in Revit using the “Create Form” function with four reference line circles that defined the diameter of the building at varying heights. To begin, 40 level planes were pulled up from the base plane. The first level was at an elevation of 28’, while the rest of the levels (up to level 39) were spaced at a floor height of 14’. The top level was then put at an elevation of 590’. Table 1 below summarizes the sizes and levels of each reference circle.
Table 1: Reference Circle Summary
Level | Reference Circle Diameter |
1 | 75’ |
17 | 94’ |
39 | 36’ |
40 | 10’ |
Dimension parameters were then assigned to the reference circles on level 1, 17, and 39. These will be some of the parameters available to be changed on the mass model. Figure 1 below provides a screen shot of the reference circles on the appropriate level with parameters applied.
Figure 1: Reference Circles with Parameters Applied
Next, the parametric building envelope was created by altering the “Rhomboid Surface” curtain panel family. To start, a rhombus shape was swept along the edge of the rhomboid surface at the top edge of the rhombus shape. Dimension parameters were also applied to the rhombus shape (defined as “Diagrid Size”). Void forms were then made to trim the excess material at the corners of the rhombus sweep. This was done to resolves some appearance problems that came up when the curtain panel was applied to the mass model. Figure 2 below illustrates this process.
Figure 2: Edited Rhomboid Surface
Next, in order to model the sub-panels within each of the rhomboid surfaces, the “Rectangle Surface” curtain panel was edited by sweeping a circle along the panel edge to represent the mullions on the sub-panels. Figure 3 illustrates what this sub-panel looked like before it was loaded into the rhomboid surface family.
Figure 3: Edited Rectangle Surface Sub-Panel
Next, this sub-panel family was loaded into the rhomboid surface as one can see in Figure 4 below. Parameters were then added to the mullion color, glass color, diagrid material, diagrid size, and U/V grid size for the rectangle sub-panels. The complete list of parameters in the curtain panel can be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 4: Completed Curtain Panel
| Figure 5: Parameters Assigned to Curtain Panel
Finally, this curtain panel is loaded into the mass model and applied. Figure 6 below illustrates the full mass model with the curtain panels applied. Parameters were then added to the U/V grid, and a full list of all the parameters available in the mass model can be seen in Figure 7.
Figure 6: Mass Model with Curtain Panels Applied
| Figure 7: Parameters Assigned to Mass Model
Finally, a site plan was made in a new Revit project and the mass model was placed in the project in Figure 8. Floor masses were also applied to the building once it was loaded in the project.
Figure 8: Mass Model in Project
A single floor plan was also made to illustrate how the open spaces in the building would be used. The floor plan in Figure 9 has a bank of three elevators at the center, a large office space in the middle with a conference room surrounded by curtain walls, and the remaining space filled with miscellaneous furniture and office space.
Figure 9: Example Floor Plan
Comments, Problems, Critique, etc.
I ran into several issues while creating this project. First, when I applied the curtain panel to the mass model, there were some clashing/termination issues at the top of the building where all of the upper curtain panels began to come together. I was never able to resolve this issue, but it was only a small appearance issue. This issue might be attributed to the fact that I modeled the top of the building as a flat circular surface instead of the dome shape that the actual building has. Figure 10 below provides an illustration of this issue at the top of the building.
Figure 10: Problem with Curtain Panels at Top of Building
I also had trouble changing the color of individual curtain panels in the project. As a result, I was unable to model the spiral that appears on the exterior of the building in Figure 11. The hope is that this will be an issue that can be resolved once we move into the coding part of the class.
Figure 11: 30 St. Mary Axe
I also ran into problems getting the color I assigned to the curtain panels to appear in the project renderings that were created. I tried multiple techniques to resolve this issue, but was unable to fix it before the submission deadline of this project.
Renderings and Screenshots
Original mass model with parameters applied to resemble the actual 30 St. Mary Axe
Changed the U/V grid size of curtain panels
Changed the diameter of one of the reference circles.
Changed the glass color.